"home is where the heart is" by Iqbal Osman1 is licensed under CC BY 2.0 |
Fundamental analysis involves reviewing the valuation of the company and comparing it to the market and/or existing competition. It is then decided to be overvalued and undervalued based on these intrinsic factors. However, extrinsic factors also come in play like the macroeconomic fundamentals and industry regulations.
Quantitative analysis includes the numbers seen in the financial statements and then translated into financial ratios to aid in decision making. There is one factor which belongs to qualitative analysis that I usually look into, the management. They are the ones executing the plan and achieving the numbers.
In the case of recent IPO of All Home, it is led by the Villars. Based on historical performances of their listed stocks, they are known to take care of the value of their stocks. Vistamalls (STR), Vista Land (VLL), and Golden Bria Holdings (HVN) were among their listed arsenals. It is reported that the stock IPO is 3x oversubscribed but based on the performance of recent IPO, Axelum, the interest of Mr.Market remains to be seen.
The stock debut in PSE opened at 11.62, 1% higher than the IPO price of 11.50. No easy ceilings unlike previous IPO of HVN. Closing price is 11.56, 0.5% up from IPO. What are your predictions for this stock in the coming days? Will it maintain current market share with competitions from Wilcon Depot and the incoming IKEA? With the help of fundamental analysis just follow where your heart is, it is where you'll find HOME :P
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