Created for people who likes savings, investments, and finance. This site will continue to provide modern as well as classical information about personal finance and finance in general.
If you are a newbie starting from scratch or small amount of savings, you can find how and where to start.
If you have enough knowledge about investments and exploring more opportunities, the posts can help.
If you are an experienced guru, you can provide feedback and comments that can help us both and other readers.
I have more than 15yrs experience in investing in Philippine stock market, unit investment trust funds, and mutual funds. I also trade forex and CFDs. I am also a financial advisor.
When I started investing, there are very few references similar to this blog. In my small way, i wanted to share my experiences by combining classical approaches to modern technologies. Mixing both my interests in personal finance and behavioral economics. Insights would come from my engineering, management background, and readings.
Click around, drop some comments, and come back from time to time and let’s learn together.
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